NSF stands for Notes Storage Facility which forms a database file used by IBM® Lotus Notes and use Domino server for storing the different elements such as email, contacts, appointments, tasks etc. Sometimes, NSF file also called as object store. In the situation where Lotus Notes user edit, alter, or carry any function, then the changes will be reflected in database which is automatically synchronized by Domino in the MDB file.
File Structure of NSF
An IBM Lotus Notes file comprises various elements such as
- Notes
- Characteristics
- Description
- Byte order
- Also, little-endian
- Date and time values
- Character string
The layout of NSF:
- file header
- database header
- various
- superblock
- Also, bucket descriptor block
- bitmap
- Record Relocation Vector bucket
- summary bucket
- non-summary buckets
Data stored in Notes
Lotus Notes creators have listed the data type in Notes such as:
- access control list note
- icon note
- Also, design note
- resource
- help-using document
Summary and non-summary in IBM Notes File: According to Lotus Notes language; summary implies, ‘summary information’ about various items in the file. Examples of summary are creation date, time, and info about author. Non-summary means all other different types of info such as pictures, formatted text and lots more.
Data and non-data Info: Data implies content items on the other hand non-data implies metadata items
Data Type in NSF
Date and Time: As far as time data structure of Domino and Notes is concerned, also, it consisted of 32-bit values that can encode time, date, Daylight savings, time zone, time settings. The initial 32 bit consisted of number of hundredths of seconds since midnight, Greenwich meantime.
Also Read: How to Migrate Lotus Notes to Outlook?
Format versions of Lotus Notes:
- IBM Notes 1.x, 2x
- Notes 3.x
- Notes 4.x
- Lotus Notes 5.x
- Also, Notes 6, 7 and 8
- Notes 8
- IBM Notes 8.5
Know about NSF File Encryption: To save HCL Notes file from the access of unwanted users, encryption is the best used remedy. There are several below given encryption ways:
- Database Encryption
- Document Encryption
- Field Encryption
- Also, Mail Encryption
- Port Encryption
By Default file location
- For Single User: Windows: – C:\Programs Files\IBM\Lotus\Notes\Data
- For Multi User:
- Also, Windows XP: – \Documents and Settings\Username\Local Settings\Application Data\Lotus\Notes\Data
- Vista Windows : – \Users\AppData\Local\Lotus\Notes\Data
- Also, Windows 7: – \Users\Username\AppData\Local\Lotus\Notes\Data
- Windows 8: – \Users\Username\AppData\Local\Lotus\Notes\Data
- Also, Mac OS: – ~/Library/Application Support/Lotus Notes Data
- Linux: – / {$HOME}/Lotus/Notes/Data
Concept of IBM Lotus Notes File:
- NSF file is used for storing personal as well as professional info in the systematic manner
- It is easy to store emails directly even if one has failed to recall the email address of a person.
- Info search is easier
- Also, one can delete, insert, edit, and apply the command from the contact list
About File Extensions
Lotus Notes consisted of various file extensions such as Bookmark.nsf, Mailbox.nsf, Busytime.nsf, preweb.nsf, headline.nsf, and internet.nsf.